Hotel Spa Etxegana Logo Pais Vasco
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Responsable Tourism

Explore in harmony, travel with responsibility.

At the Etxegana Hotel & Spa we are proud to collaborate in responsible tourism initiatives aimed at the discovery and protection of our Biscay region. Indeed, we believe in the importance of preserving our natural environment and promoting a sustainable approach to tourism that benefits both visitors and the local community. Here are some of the initiatives we are involved in:

Eco-friendly tours: We offer our clients tours of the Biscay region that highlight its natural beauty and cultural richness while minimizing our impact on the environment.

Biodiversity preservation projects: Located at the gates of the Gorbeia Natural Park, we actively support local biodiversity preservation projects. We participate in the restoration of natural ecosystems and the protection of threatened species within the natural park. We encourage our guests to participate in respecting the park during hikes.

Promotion of local crafts: We highlight local crafts by offering our customers locally made products. For example, we recommend traditional textiles, honey, wine, pottery and art objects. By supporting local artisans, we help preserve cultural traditions and stimulate the local economy.

Environmental Education: We strongly invite our guests to explore and discover the Vizcaya region outside of the most popular tourist spots. The diversity of our region offers a multitude of villages, rich in culture and nature, to discover far from the traditional tourist circuits.

Partnerships with local organizations: We collaborate with local organizations, such as the Gorbeia Natural Park Protection Association and tourist offices, to promote responsible tourism and implement sustainable development initiatives in our region.

As a tourist establishment, we are determined to play an active role in the preservation and promotion of our Biscay region. Indeed, our concern is to offer our customers enriching and environmentally friendly travel experiences. We firmly believe that responsible tourism can contribute positively to the preservation of nature and the well-being of local communities. Therefore, the Etxegana Hotel is determined to be responsible actors in this process.

Etxegana, actor of its environment

Environmental policy

Minimize our ecological footprint

Gorbeia Natural Park

The largest natural park in the Basque Country